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Information On Lap-band And Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

By Timothy Brown

Bariatric weight loss surgery is a procedure that has continue to grow steadily in recent times in New York. There are three main types of bariatric surgeries that are performed. These include gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery. While some differences exist among these procedures, the manner in which they work is similar. Lap-band and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy have the best outcomes hence are the most commonly performed.

Weight loss surgical options are usually considered as a last resort. There is a need to try out the non-invasive methods first for a period of not less than 6 months. Cut down on your consumption of highly refined carbohydrates and fats as much as possible. These two food groups contribute to the greatest proportion of weight gain. Regular physical activity helps burn excess calories and prevent unwanted storage in adipose tissues.

The decision to undergo either lap band surgery or sleeve gastrectomy is made by the doctor in consultation with the patient. The choice is made after carefully considering the benefits of each of them. Both can be performed through the open technique or through laparoscopy. One of the major differences between the two is the fact that banding is reversible while gastrectomy is a permanent procedure.

To perform the banding procedure, the abdominal cavity is first opened either through a large incision or by making smaller incisions to be used for the placement of the laparoscope. The next step is to place a silicone band around the upper part of the stomach. This band has a compression effect that squeezes the stomach and reduces its size considerably. The force of compression can be increased or reduced as needed.

Gastrectomy is simply the cutting and removal of a segment of a stomach. In a single operation, between 75 and 80% is usually removed. What is left behind is a small pouch that takes the shape of a sleeve (thus the name of the operation). The laparoscopic method is preferred over the open technique. Once the required part has been cut off, the rest is stitched back using sutures or stitches.

There are a number of complications that potential candidates need to be aware of. These include, among others, excessive loss of blood, accidental injury to internal organs and postoperative infections. The loss of stitches or staples used in closure may be seen in very rare circumstances. When it occurs, it leads to leakage of digested foods and acids which may in turn lead to chemical injury of various organs.

Reduced stomach capacity translates into reduced intake of food. This is not only due to the smaller quantity of food that can be held at one time but also due to the associated early satiety. A reduction in the surface area of the stomach also reduces the amount of food absorbed. Weight loss begins to become evident within weeks or months depending on the magnitude of the problem.

Bariatric operations can be performed in a wide range of patients. However, there are conditions that may make the procedures risky in some of them. Systemic conditions such as hyperthyroidism and uncontrolled diabetes may require that some form of intervention takes place first before the procedure takes place. The same case applies to conditions that are restricted to the gastrointestinal system such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and peptic ulcer disease.

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