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Important Things To Know With The Battle Of Marathon

By Helen Murray

When the first Persian invasion of Greece happened, marathon then took its place. This was fought between individuals from Athens and rightly helped out by Plataea and the force from Persia which is commanded by Artaphernes and Datis. The combat was the peak of the first attempt taken up by Persia under King Darius I.

Ionian revolt was completely rumpled which then led to the Persian victory. With the great defeat of the Greek towards the Battle of Lade, Darius then began planning to greatly conquer Greece on his own which led him to send his naval task force. With how Datis and Artaphernes led the troop across the Aegean, subjugating the Cyclades is then involved. The prodigious Battle of Marathon started with how the Persian took their place on the great land of Greece.

The combat rightly happened when the Persians sailed down towards the coastline of Attica which made them land on the bay of Marathon. When the Persians arrive, the Athenian army right then marched quickly so to block the two exits. They need to do it so to avoid the Persian troops from moving inside the island.

With the decline of the Spartan army to help them, an unending gratitude was fully given to the Plataean troop. For approximately five days in time, these armies have surely confronted each other in stalemate. The camp of these Athenians was shielded from the grove of trees and the great delay of the Spartans settled in with how the Athenians were divided. With such division, with Miltiades as a part of it is completely keen in attacking the Persians even when he knows that the Spartans are coming.

There is an explanation on why the delay happened and it is assumed that it was due to the Persians more the Athenians were willing to risk the battle firstly. According to Herodotus, the Greeks take on the Persian army first but there is no clear clarification on why the army did it even when they are still waiting for the Spartan army to arrive on the field. With such discussion, two theories are specifically stated within.

It is believed that the first theory purely speaks of any unspecified reason. It was actually explained that the Persian cavalry rightly left the Marathon which surely led to the attack of the Greeks right towards them. Yet this also includes the reembarking of ships of their nemeses to the ocean so to take their attacks on the Athenian army.

As for the second concept, it speaks simply of how the Persians attack the Athenians because they finally move their way first. Right when the Athenian troop saw the Persians advancing, they then took tactical actions and surely attacked them right in. Though both theories are not established if they are all exact yet it is noticed that the combat happened because of some kind of Persian activity which definitely triggered the war.

With these opposing troops which took up the combat, as for the Persians, though Herodotus said that there are surely a large infantry which was well packed on that day, yet for the poet Simonides, he believed that such eyed campaign force was numbered in around 200,000 which was also estimated by Cornelius Nepos. As for the Plataeans, they are all in a thousand figures while the Athenians are all in about 9,000 men.

Though the Greek only obtains a few men yet they still own the combat. It is believed that even if they have used superior tactics and equipment, they are still ordinary and amateur soldiers who acquire the deepest courage within.

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