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Significant Events During The Battle Of Marathon

By Susan Perry

Battles left a huge scar and horrible memories to many people. Some experiences drive one to go insane. Other from the mental damage, physical wreckage can also be seen. One thing is for sure, a war can have countless of survivors and deaths and damages which can be written in the history.

Several decades ago, different civilizations engage in wars. Among the highly remembered and significant event on the History of Mankind was the Battle of Marathon. Its a major battle between Persians and the city states of Greek. The victory was with the Greeks. There were lots of happenings and events which took place during that time. In order to know more about them, continue on reading the paragraphs below. Make sure you learn a thing or two.

There was a specific period of time in which the ruler was the Great, Darius I. During this ruling, revolts occurred. Ionia was part of it. Such place was then settled by Greeks. At the time that Ionian Rebellion happened, Athens were able to lend a hand to rebels. Then, the massive number of Persians Army completely halted such rebellion in the long run.

There occurred a certain moment in which Emperor Darius and other Persian generals was totally consumed with anger just by the thought that Greeks helped the rebels. Even if the aid was minimal, the Persian pursued to invade the Greece mainland simply because of vengeance. Many recorded events happened which were despicable and caused horrid experiences to everyone.

The Athenians were able to blocked and halted Persians by sealing and trapping them. When the armies completely blocked the path of Persians, it was Greek leader called as General Miltiades who sent runners to both the Plataea and Sparta to seek for help. This became the now famous term for marathon runners. At that certain time, Spartans were celebrating, but they still offered some help.

This battle occurred around the year 490 BC. It was during the very first invasion of Persians to Greece. Athens citizens, aided by Plataea fought against the force of the enemy. This battle was basically because of the desire of then King, Darius I to subjugate Greece. Greek army defeated their enemy thus leading to the start of another famous event called as Greco Persian wars.

It was on the fresh morning of year 490, September 17 when the Greeks stood on the Marathon plain, ready to fight until the very end. Behind them were everything they loved dear, their families and city. In front were their enemies, an apparently invisible army with despicable purpose on their mind also ready to plunder and ravage everything that lies in front of their eyes.

Different untold and some written events occurred which plagued both opposing sides. Of course, they were countless damages and deaths. Not to mention that the battle continued for so long before a truce was made. If you read some stories in books, you might find some interesting facts.

Whenever you have the time and interest, perform research or read written resources. What is essential is to learn and comprehend something. That being said, your knowledge would totally improve along the way and this will somehow help you.

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