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3 Talking Points Regarding Compression For Website Design Companies

By Arthur Williams

Website development companies across the board will tell you that compression matters. Without the process in question, file sizes can remain quite big, which doesn't exactly do websites any favors in terms of performance. This is where compression comes into play, and to say that it is beneficial would be something of an understatement. These are just 3 of the most noteworthy ways that compression benefits the companies in question.

Compression matters for a number of reasons, chief among them the idea of performance. If you're on a website and it runs smoothly, chances are that you'll stick more often than you would if its performance constantly stuttered. The latter tends to be the result of a lack of compression, which reputable authorities like Lounge Lizard can work to correct. From there, performance can improve. The best website design companies can tell you the same.

Another reason why website compression matters has to do with search engine optimization. Search engines rank websites based on a variety of factors, with overall performance being one of the most influential. If your site doesn't perform well, in terms of load times or otherwise, there's a good chance that your site won't show up for different Google searches. Compression will prevent this from occurring, meaning that your rankings will improve.

Finally, even though compression reduces file size, it doesn't exactly reduce visual quality. This is a testament to the digital age that we live in today, since there are various services that we can take advantage of. Many of them can be used without reducing visual quality, whether in terms of images or what have you. This is a great benefit that, suffice it to say, more people should take into consideration.

With these 3 talking points in mind, you can clearly see that compression goes a long way in web design. One can make the argument that it is essential to the design process. Without it, there's a good chance that images, videos, and other website assets will not load as quickly as they should. The best websites perform well, regardless of the platforms they're accessed from. As you've learned, compression goes a long way in this respect.

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