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Best Reasons To Use A Fluoride Free Mouthwash

By George Wright

For quite some time now, people have loved using fluoride as part of their oral care routines and diet. This mineral is a lot like calcium in the sense that it can strengthen and protect the tooth structures. The truth of the matter, however, is that too much fluoride can have a very adverse impact on a person's well-being. Due to this fact, it may be best to have a flouride free mouthwash for your oral care. You can use this to safely clean your mouth and freshen your breath.

It is important to note that the benefits of this mineral are debatable. Excess exposure can result in serious toxicity and this is something that all consumers should be concerned about. For this reason, kids are advised to never use over a pea-sized amounts of toothpastes that contain fluoride.

Some studies have shown that exposure to this mineral via ingestion can actually lead to a number of serious and widespread problems. For instance, fluoride can actually calcify the pinneal gland. It can also alter bone density, brain density and bone structure. Given the scale on which these changes can occur, opting for oral care products that lack this mineral is simply wise.

Keep in mind that a lot of cities are still adding fluoride to their common water supplies. This means that you are constantly rinsing your mouth with this mineral each time you use the tap. Additional exposure exists as well, given that most consumers still cook with and drink with tap water and thus, they ingest large quantities of fluoride all the time.

When it comes to ensuring the ongoing health of your natural tooth structures, fluoride can actually play a vital role in blocking the teeth from absorbing nutrients that build them up. For instance, minerals and vitamins that your food contain can actually be absorbed and used by the teeth. This absorption is blocked by fluoride coatings. This can in turn lead to weaker tooth structures in the future.

When shopping for a rinse, you want to look for products that kill germs like odor causing bacteria. Some of the best solutions contain all-natural cleansing agents like tea tree oil. These solutions should be mild as well, given that you also want to protect the health of your gums and other soft tissues.

Be mindful of the amount of alcohol found in these products. Too much of this element can lead to swelling and irritation of the gum tissues, particularly if you have been using a hard bristle toothbrush to clean your teeth. Check for solutions that are largely water-based and that contain natural antimicrobial ingredients. These will get your mouth clean and they will additionally sooth your gums. It should always feel good to clean your teeth.

If you want to try out one of these solutions for the first time, find a manufacturer that will give you a coupon or a free sample. This will curb your spending as you shop around for a worthwhile option. Offers like these can be found on the websites that manufacturers maintain as well as on coupon sites.

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