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Natural Goat Milk Soap For Soft And Moisturized Skin

By David Fisher

Help really does come from the strangest of places, especially when it comes to your skin. When made naturally like the bars from goat's milk, the potential benefits to your skin are substantial. When combined with other essential products, including olive and palm oil, natural goat milk soap works wonders. This article takes you through the inherent benefits of using this type of natural detergent.

This detergent has the same pH as your skin. PH is important because of the "acid mantle" on our skin. The acid mantle is a highly acidic layer on top of the epidermis that protects us. This acidic layer is created by the skin's oil glands which, in turn, defend our bodies from viruses, bacteria, among other potential contaminants which might penetrate the skin. Because these external forces are primarily basic in nature, the acid mantle of the skin easily defends us by neutralizing those threats on contact.

Goats' milk contains capric, caproic acids, caprylic, as well as other naturally occurring fatty acids. The result is a lower pH than that of store bought detergents (which contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate which is very basic), bringing this detergent nearer to human skin and hair pH. The only thing different nowadays is that we don't have to milk the goats ourselves like Grandma used to!

The detergent also prevents Skin Problems. Another thing you will notice after using this detergent is the way that your skin feels so much better. You will notice it even more after comparing it to the highly alkaline store-bought detergent. Store-bought detergent makes the skin feel dry, taunt, and sometimes irritated. It can even cause the skin to become flaky and prematurely older looking than it should.

There are also no side effects involved. Unlike other detergents where the oil glands of the skin's acid mantle over-react to the over-alkalinity by producing more oil or sebum, this type of detergent is purely safe. This can result in oily skin and even the skin pores being blocked which can result in acne.

Causes Skin Rejuvenation. Grandma would always say that goat's milk detergent would clear your skin, and again she was right! It contains lactic acid for alpha hyroxy skin rejuvenation. Old skin cells are easily lost after exposure to alpha hydroxy, therefore leaving the smooth new skin cells. Your skin will feel amazingly clean and refreshed. It is actually an old tale proven right by modern day science.

Besides having essential vitamins, the soap has a balanced pH. This aspect is critical for those with conditions such as sensitive skin, rosacea, eczema or dermatitis. This detergent has a pH that is very similar to that of your natural skin, meaning that it is gentler than many soaps and is less likely to irritate even sensitive skin. For those who don't know, the pH level indicates whether a substance is more acidic or more of a base. The chemists at Goat's Own carefully maintain the pH level of every bar.

As evident above, using this natural detergent is really a life changing experience. Once you experience your moisturized skin even in the dead of winter, the smoothness of the alpha hydroxy action, or the beautiful clarity of acne free skin, you will never want to go back to harsh store-bought detergent. Ensure to check this product out for the above solutions.

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