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Why Your Household Should Invest In A Flouride Free Mouthwash

By Kimberly Kennedy

People are constantly exposed to a number of potentially toxic agents each and every day. One of these is surprisingly found right within common oral care products. Fluoride is thought to support tooth and bone health but this naturally-occurring mineral may be more detrimental than beneficial. This is especially true if this toxic substance is swallowed in any significant amount. Following are some good reasons to consider switching to a flouride free mouthwash.

If you take the time to read the back of your toothpaste or mouth rinse products, you will see that these should not be swallowed. This is why small children are advised against brushing on their own. It is the fluoride within these products that can act as a poison once it has been ingested.

Although fluoride does provide certain benefits, it is hardly beneficial once it has been ingested. Some consumers think otherwise given that many municipalities are still adding this mineral to their water supplies. Surprisingly, however, the decision to do so is still being hotly contested. There are actually many countries that have outlawed this practice outright.

Many consumers are surprised to learn that certain countries do not allow for this addition any longer. There has been scientific evidence in the recent past that shows the detrimental impact of directly applying fluoride to the teeth. After having been applied, this mineral is quickly absorbed by these porous structures and by the surrounding soft tissues. This is well-worth considering when devising an oral care plan for your small children.

Direct application and consumption are not advised. As per research, copious amounts of this mineral can actually alter bone density and brain density. There are even studies showing that the pinneal gland will become calcified after a significant amount of time and exposure. These are just a few of the reasons that have been cited by several countries when banning the addition of fluoride in their water supplies.

Another important factor to consider is the fact that fluoride seals and protects the teeth. Although this seems highly beneficial in light of the number of invading organisms that will ultimately undermine tooth health, it is actually counterproductive. By sealing porous tooth surfaces off, minerals and other nutrients that support the rebuilding of these structures become blocked as well.

Choosing to use mouthwashes and toothpastes that do not contain this potentially harmful agent is an incredibly wise decision that will benefit your entire family. There are many other cleaning products that are far more effective and a whole lot safer. After having made this change, you will have far fewer toxins that you are regularly being exposed to.

You may find that products lacking this ingredient cost a bit more than those that have it. Paying these additional monies, however, will invariably prove worthwhile given that product users are likely to have fewer cavities and fewer health issues overtime. As such, the benefits of making this transition definitely outweigh any drawbacks.

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