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How Parents Can Handle Teenager Broken Heart

By Melissa Gray

It can be hard for a young adult to go through a breakup. While some will bounce back within no time, it can take a while for others to recover. This can be pretty hard for you to deal with as a parent. There are a couple of things that you should do or avoid doing when dealing with teenager broken heart.

As a parent, it might be tempting to try and help your child deal with the situation. As much as it might hurt to see them going through a hard time, you have to take a step back and let them deal with it. This is the only way they will learn to process their feelings and realize that sometime relationships can be painful or they don't work out. Don't try and work out thing for them by suggesting what they can do to get over the relationship.

You are most likely going to want to have a discussion about the issue. However, if your child is not ready to have a conversation about this, do not push them. But you can let them know that when they are ready, you will be willing to listen. When they discuss the problem with you, don't be judgmental or be too quick to speak. Just listen and give your support.

Sometimes, the problem might get out of hand such that the situation becomes serious. If you notice this, it might be time to get professional assistance for the young adult. This is if you notice that they have become depressed and are not bouncing back to normal life after some time.

Do not lessen their pain. You can do this by saying that the relationship might not have led to marriage in the end or that they are still too young to know real love and other such comments. This dismisses the pain the individual is feeling and makes it seem like their suffering does not matter. What you should do instead is to acknowledge the issues faced and accept that the person is suffering.

Realize that girls grieve in a different way from boys. While girls might want to talk about it and cry, boys might want to be more reclusive and not talk about the issue. So, don't expect them to act in the same way when such a situation happens to either your son or daughter.

Don't take sides. Don't attack the other person and start calling them names. It might make your child to get defensive of that person. Also, do not get in touch with their partner and try to talk to them or rebuke them for what they have done. This will make your child very uncomfortable.

Let the person grieve. This is a painful thing that they need to mourn over. It might take a few days, weeks or even months. Do not hurry them through the process and tell them that they should get over it already. They will move on when they are ready to.

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