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This Is Information On How To Heal Sunburn

By Kimberly Lee

The sun plays an important role in ensuring continuity of life on planet earth. All forms of life on earth depend on sun energy for continuity. In the same way, human bodies need sunlight for proper health. For instance, the skin is usually able to synthesize Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight. That is why exposing skin to morning sunlight is advisable. This is how to heal sunburn.

However, with all its advantages, the sun is also capable of inflicting some serious injury when one is exposed to it for long periods of time. There are also certain types of skin, especially white and light skins, which are very susceptible to damage by sunlight. The damage is usually caused in the form of sunburn. Severe cases of sunburns can be very dangerous warranting a stay in the hospital.

A variety of home remedies can be employed in cases involving minor sunburns. Different ways of dealing with sunburns is the main focus of this article. The various discussed remedies can sometimes be combined for quick and better result. As a precautionary measure it is advisable that a patient consults a qualified medic when no change is seen in a few days.

Typical sunburned skin is dry and dehydrated meaning it needs hydration as first remedy. The body cools down upon hydration which is achieved by taking fluids. Cooling the body eases pain. Juice, water and sport drinks are a good way of hydrating. Large amounts of the hydration fluids must be consumed. Applying milk on the burnt part should accompany hydration. The injury is covered with a protein film which helps in easing pain when milk is applied.

Apart from milk, any cream contain aloe vera can also be used. Sunburnt skin is moisturized and soothed when one applies aloe vera. Should one miss on aloe vera then they can use anything containing lidocaine. Lidocaine has the same effect on the skin as aloe vera. Cool compress with Burow solution and any cream with 1% hydrocortisone as further products that one can use.

Another solution entails taking a cool bath or shower to cool the skin. There are also natural bath therapies that can be used during the shower. They include apple cider vinegar, oatmeal bath, lavender or chamomile essential oil, and baking soda. Soap or perfumes should be avoided and should not be used when taking a shower when one has sunburnt skin.

If the skin is badly burned to a point that it is peeling off, one should avoid peeling it further. Instead, giving it time to heal is a better option. Severe sunburn can cause blisters. Such blisters should be covered and left alone to heal.

If one is feeling pain, they can take some medication to ease it. There are several kinds of painkiller medications that one can take. These include naproxen and ibuprofen. These medications can also relieve inflammation. They are easily purchased from a pharmacy.

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