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Important Details About Bariatric Surgery Bergen County

By William Young

Gastric bypass and other weight-loss surgeries make changes to digestive system. That will help in enabling you to lose weight through limiting how much food one is able to eat and also through reduction of absorption of nutrients, or in some cases both. The procedures are used when exercise and diet have failed to work or whenever a person has serious health problems caused by weight. In considering bariatric surgery Bergen County residents need to be versed with the procedures.

One of the first things to note is that the surgery is not suitable for everyone. There are medical guidelines which one is supposed to meet for them to qualify. Before the procedure, there is extensive screening in order to verify that you indeed qualify. Further to that, you need to be ready to lead a healthy lifestyle. After the treatment, there will be long-term follow-up plans which is to ensure your medical conditions, lifestyle and nutrition are closely monitored.

Bariatric surgeries are done from hospital and with administration of general anesthesia, which means one is not conscious during the procedure. The specific details about the surgery will depend on type of procedure, hospital or doctor practices and the situation of the patient. There is the option of traditional surgical operation in which large or open incisions are made at the abdomen. Currently however, most procedures are laparoscopic.

A laparoscope refers to a small instrument which has a camera at its end. It is inserted through incisions which are made at the abdomens. The small camera will allow a surgeon to see and perform surgery of the abdomen without having to make large incisions. With laparoscopic treatment, the recovery will be shorter and faster but is also not suitable for all people. Generally, the procedure takes several hours and one is required to stay in hospital for 3 to 5 days.

After the procedure, one is not supposed to eat for one or two days. During that time, the stomach will be given time to heal. After two days, there will be a specific diet to be followed for roughly 12 weeks. One should begin with liquid foods before progressing to foods which are soft. After some time, normal diet can resume. There is restriction on what one can eat and the amount.

The surgeries are such that they are able to offer weight-loss in the long term. The level of weight loss will depend on lifestyle change of the person and type of surgical procedure. There are people who lose more than half their weight over a 2 year period. The surgeries can also be used in resolution of conditions which are caused by excess weight like stroke and blood pressure.

There are instances where the surgeries might fail to work as well as might have been hoped. Although rare, there are cases in which the surgical procedure might go wrong. For instance, the adjustable band could fail to work well. If the procedure does not work right or stops working, one might develop serious health problems.

Just as happens with other surgeries, there are possible risks. Some are short-term, others long-term. Examples of risks are formation of blood clots, infections and excess bleeding.

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