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In A Battle Against Cancer Vancouver CA Patients Need To Be Strong

By Christopher Morris

There is a good reason why the many different types of cancers are called dread diseases. They are deadly, even to this day. In the past, being diagnosed was a certain notification of impending death. Research continue to find a cure but no major breakthroughs have been made yet. However, big strides have been made in treatment methods and patients now live longer than before. Medication to limit the severe side effects of treatment has also been improved. In their battle against cancer Vancouver CA patients have to be very strong.

The fight against the big C starts at the very moment a diagnosis is made. Patients go through all the standard phases, unbelief, shock, despair and finally, acceptance. Acceptance is important because it is not possible to fight something that one refuse to exist. The nest step in the fight to is get as much information from the doctor as possible, including treatment options and the prognosis.

Many patients have to make certain lifestyle changes immediately after a diagnosis. This may include a change in diet and a complete ban on alcohol and tobacco products. Many patients have to give up certain activities. Once treatment commences, patients have to adapt to and live with the side effects of the medication that they receive. They also have to accept that medication can lead to concomitant conditions.

The majority of patients put their faith in established treatment methods, They submit to radiology, chemo therapy and medication that may cause them to feel ill, but that may help them get better. This is often a lengthy process and the urge to just give up sometimes arises. In their fight against the disease these patients need to remain determined and motivated, however. Giving up is not an option, really.

A lot of patients, especially those that are already in the late stages of the disease and those that are wealthy, opt for extreme, experimental and foreign treatment. They know that they will not get well with traditional treatment methods and they are therefore willing to take the chance to undergo controversial treatment methods. The will to live is strong, and one could not criticize them.

Many cancer patients become desperate and look at alternative treatment methods and cures. There are many of those, as any basic internet search will reveal. Sadly, there are many fraudsters out there, making impossible promises and conning desperately ill people out of their money. This remains a large industry, nevertheless. So many patients will try anything that may help them to get better and to win the fight.

Many patients believe that their faith in their various deities will be sufficient to save them. They believe in prayer and meditation and they ask others to pray for them. Some of these patients even shun traditional treatment methods because they believe that it would show that they do not have enough faith in God. Many patients become more spiritual, not to seek or ask for a cure, but to find peace and grace.

It is not just patients that have to fight cancer. Research to find cures continues unabated and millions upon millions are spent on research and development. One never knows, a breakthrough may be just around the corner.

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