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An Overview Of CSL RFID Reader

By Kevin Gray

Radio Frequency Identification, just like a credit card magnetic strip or a barcode, is an automated ID system. It provides a special identification code that a scanning device can read. RFID communicates with readers using radio waves. These radio waves are then converted into algorithmic data that identifies the item with the tag by the scanner. It is therefore of great importance to know the advantages of a CSL RFID reader.

The first factor is power supply. Just like any other technology that depends on electricity to function, this system must have a reliable source of electric power so as to scan and read tags on items. It is therefore crucial to have electricity backup in your company or establishment in case of power outage.

Secondly, this system has the ability to scan several items at once. For example, it is possible to scan incoming products in a box in your storeroom, letting you check all the con tents in the box simultaneously without running the barcodes of each item individually. Some systems are read-write, and this allows you to change or even add data.

Conductive objects as well as humans can also affect the running of this automatic system. While this system is quite affordable and can read tags at a wide range, you should always remember that its performance can be easily degraded by conductive objects like metallic surfaces as well as water. Humans are mostly made up of water and can therefore affect this reader.

Another common factor that can affect this system or device is the type of tag used on goods. It is crucial to understand that, not all tags are of the same quality as just like any other product, tags can be of a high quality or a low quality. The quality of a tag depends on the inlay deign, chip or even material. The golden rule when it comes to tags is, the smaller the tag the shorter the range.

The reader antenna is also a factor that can affect this system. Sometimes, instead of using your antenna, you can implement the use of an external antenna which can greatly improve the performance of your system especially in reading range. Some factors to consider when purchasing an external antenna are polarization, antenna gain and beam angle.

Generally, when compared with other technologies like the bar-code scanner, the tags on the items in businesses with RFID readers do not get dirty or damaged as the items are not moved or touched frequently so as to be scanned. As stated earlier this device can scan items from a wide range.

Different conditions in the environment such as water, other systems emitting radio frequency, metallic objects and power supply, as mentioned above may affect the performance and functioning of your RFID reader. It is therefore important to have all this factors in mind before and after purchasing this system so as to avoid a system failure or even errors in the reading and recording of tags.

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