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Breaking Down The Origin Of The Biblical Calendar Hebrew

By Harold Brooks

While the Gregorian calendars are the most widely used ones in society today, most of the Jews still stick with what is known as the Jewish calendar system. Now, the Biblical Calendar Hebrew is the older version of the more modern Jewish system and the one used in the Old Testament. Here are a few things to know about this date system.

Now, it is extremely important to remember that the people of the Old Testament did not have any system back in their day so all they had to tell dates was their surroundings. What made it even more complex was that God commanded the people to observe feasts at very exact times in the year. That is why the old Bible calendars had dates that revolved around their feasts.

Now, it is also important to note that the system of dates used in the Bible is still used today but with more calculations. This is known as the revised Jewish calendar which has important calculations and is not just based on pure observation. In order to know how it evolved into the modern form of today, one must look back at the origin of the Bible calendars.

Now, if one would go to the book of Genesis and look at the fourteenth verse of the first chapter, then one will find the first instructions of God to the Old Testament followers. First of all, the verse states that there will be light in Heaven that would divide the day and night. It also states that there will be seasons that will be shown from the sky.

One of the first indicators of time would be the presence of light in the sky and darkness. This can actually be found in the book of Genesis wherein God says that there will be light called the day and there will be darkness called the night. If one day and one night pass, then it will already be considered a full day.

Another important thing to note is that God create the world in seven days wherein seven days and nights passed before everything was perfected. That is why he regards the seventh day as the Sabbath or in Hebrew, Shabbua. This is a symbolism for perfection since he created everything perfectly after one whole week.

Of course, there would also be the issue of counting months wherein the followers had to know what month the Passover feast has to be observed. Back then, the Jews had to count months by looking at the cycle of the moon. The moon would go through an entire cycle before going back to its original state signifying that one month has already passed.

Lastly, the book of Exodus would state that the beginning of a year was during the moon of Abib or the month of green air crop growth. From there, the book gives a detailed description about how the seasons move in a cycle signifying that one year has passed. After one year, the followers will then have to observe again how the moon moves to know when the next feast would be.

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